Isopren er en meget vigtig byggesten som danner grundlaget for biosyntesen af mange biologiske molekyler f eks squalen et intermediat i kolesterolbiosyntesen terpener gibberelliner steroler carotenoider neophytadien gummi fytolhalen pa chlorofylmolekylet osv Isoprens strukturformel Biosyntesen af de forskellige molekyler stoffer terpener gibberelliner cholesterol osv sker ikke direkte ud fra isopren men via en kompleks raekke af reaktioner Isopren i atmosfaeren kan reagere med visse stoffer og bliver i sa fald til aerosoler og de dannede aerosoler er hygroskopiske og er med til at danne skyer og tage Det viser sig at mange landplanter danner store maengder isopren og derfor er ophav til en stor del af bioaerosolerne 1 2 3 Indholdsfortegnelse 1 Isopren vulkanen i Ozark bjergskoven 2 Isopren som biosignatur 3 Kilder henvisninger 4 Eksterne henvisninger Isopren vulkanen i Ozark bjergskoven RedigerThe Ozarks Isoprene Experiment OZIE blev designet til at udforske egetraeers udsendelse af isopren i Ozark bjergskoven i Missouri i USA 4 5 Det blev bekraeftet at egetraeer er store isopren udsendere med en middeludsendelse pa 66 mgC g 1 h 1 men man opdagede ogsa at isopren udsendelsen er afhaengig af bladenes temperaturer jo hojere jo mere Isopren som biosignatur RedigerI sogen af liv i universet er isopren foreslaet som biosignatur 6 Kilder henvisninger Rediger California Institute of Technology 2009 August 7 Organic Carbon Compounds Emitted By Trees Affect Air Quality ScienceDaily Citat In these studies the research team focused on a chemical called isoprene which is given off by many deciduous trees The king emitters are oaks Wennberg says And the isoprene they emit is one of the reasons that the Smoky Mountains appear smoky And isoprene only comes from plants They make hundreds of millions of tons of this chemical for reasons that we still do not fully understand Max Planck Society 2004 February 26 Astonishing Discovery Over The Amazonian Rain Forest ScienceDaily Citat natural aerosols from the Amazonian rain forest and has found that they contained two previously unknown compounds which are photooxidation products of isoprene These compounds are hygroscopic and could impact cloud formation rainfall and climate Carnegie Mellon University 2014 May 15 Emissions from forests influence very first stage of cloud formation ScienceDaily Citat This new study uncovers an indispensable ingredient to the long sought after cloud formation recipe highly oxidized organic compounds It turns out that sulfuric acid and these oxidized organic compounds are unusually attracted to each other This remarkably strong association may be a big part of why organics are really drawn to sulfuric acid under modern polluted conditions Donahue said The fine tuned model not only predicted nucleation rates more accurately but also predicted the increases and decreases of nucleation observed in field experiments over the course of a year especially for measurements near forests This latter test is a strong confirmation of the fundamental role of emissions from forests in the very first stage of cloud formation and that the new work may have succeeded in modeling that influence agu org Wiedinmyer C et al 2005 Ozarks Isoprene Experiment OZIE Measurements and modeling of the isoprene volcano J Geophys Res 110 D18307 doi 10 1029 2005JD005800 worldwildlife org Ozark Mountain forests NA0412 Detecting This Specific Gas in an Alien World s Atmosphere May Be a Good Sign of Life ScienceAlert 2021Eksterne henvisninger Rediger nbsp Wikimedia Commons har medier relateret til IsoprenRachel Pike The science behind a climate headline Arkiveret 7 december 2009 hos Wayback Machine As a Ph D candidate at Cambridge Pike s research on isoprene a major biofuel crop emission and other molecules has taken her soaring over rainforest canopies in multi ton labs on wings into the cooled down sub levels of supercomputer grids and into massive experimental atmospheric chambers Her exhaustive work represents a major step toward a complete picture of how human activity affects the global ecosystem Hentet fra https da wikipedia org w index php title Isopren amp oldid 11525742